Tuesday, February 19, 2019

I Am the Tortoise

17 weeks - 3 mile run
I was curious how I was doing fitness wise vs. my past self. Looking back to this same month in 2016, I was doing a mix of CrossFit and dance. It seems like my normal was around 5x weekly. Fast-forward this pregnancy and my mix looks a little different. With a toddler at home, I have less free time. Hitting the 4x mark consistently has been challenging (I'm doing it, but I couldn't imagine making time for more). And I don't really dance anymore because of scheduling changes. CrossFit has been my constant. And surprisingly, running during pregnancy is a new addition. 

Last time around, I was an extremely novice runner before pregnancy. I only ran a little in the first trimester and a little at the end of the third trimester (to relieve pressure). Really short distances. Most of the time it turned into walking.

My first work-out after giving birth was running. It was 3 weeks postpartum. 1 mile run in my neighborhood. Since then, I've relied heavily on running as part of my "come back" journey. 

This pregnancy, I've been running and racing, and hope to do so through the end, as long as I'm feeling good. I'm capped at around 3-4 miles because of fatigue, and my mile time went from a peak of 8:30 (hare) to 10:30 (tortoise)...but the turtle wins the race in the end, right?

In CrossFit, I never really got back to the weights I was lifting before. My body never quite felt the same in the regard. I've made progress, but it's been smaller increments. So my goal here is to just show-up. Listen to my body. When I feel good, push a little. When I don't, just keep moving and be grateful to be around others who support my health. 

16 weeks - Clean 45lbs
16 weeks - Push Press 45lbs

Safe modification to box jumps (step-ups). Just as hard!

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