Thursday, April 11, 2019

Large & In-Charge

Little P chasing me
Lots of pics to share (by chance and luck of having them)! Currently at the 25 week mark and feeling particularly large. I'm not having the same energy burst in the second trimester I had last pregnancy (though I didn't have a toddler at home last time either). Some days are to really hard to get moving and there's not much rhyme or reason to when I'll feel better or worse. Stress and lack of sleep definitely play a role in how my workouts will go. But most of the time it's just pregnancy woes. 

I have my "second trimester race" next week. 4 miles. Central Park. So I've been making sure to get some miles back into the routine. It's been difficult to balance strength training with running goals when my energy and time are so limited. Luckily recent trips allowed for more running outside in the warmer weather (though Boston is still chilly). I'm also not sure which is more important right now: strength or cardio. And neither is particularly easier than the other. Going with the flow in terms of what my schedule allows seems to be the best policy right now.

Writing my plan out on a calendar for the whole week in advance has been a great way to be consistent and leave room for forgiveness. Similar to Half training, plan for rest days, and move them as needed. When the opportunity arises, always choose the workout over rest. Rest will come when you don't plan for it, embrace it then. 

20 weeks

21 weeks

Squat Cleans

Toes to Bar...but more like knees to chest

22 weeks
24 weeks