Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The Countdown + Vacation Exercise

The Countdown 

There's approximately 14 weeks until the NYC Marathon (November 5) and I am well into training. As planned, I maintained my long run through June after coming off the Brooklyn Half. And then I started climbing again when July began. My long runs will continue to climb each week, but like I mentioned before, I've built in a "stepback week" between every long-run to allow for more rest. It's a very elongated training schedule, but I believe (and hope) it will work better for me after my various injuries last year. The traditional plans are usually 18 weeks and I'm doing 25 weeks total. 

Before we left for the Dominican Republic, I completed an amazing 13 miler from Patchogue to Port Jefferson. I felt strong and kept a great pace. I was even able to pick up speed towards the end. I did an extra tenth of a mile for good measure so I could be snarky and say that I ran a Half :-) It felt very bizarre to wake up on a random Thursday in my home and run a Half marathon outside of the context of a proper race. With little prep or adrenaline typically provided through a "real" event.

Another surreal thought is the fact that I will now essentially be setting a new PR distance every week until November. This week's upcoming 14 miler will be a PR. Then 15 miler - new for me. Then 16 on and so forth. 

And then doubt begins to creep in. When will this feel impossible? When will I hit an unmovable wall? When will I get hurt again? The mental component of running is real and huge. Yes, of course physical training is important. But the mental training and conditioning that's simultaneously happening should not be underestimated. As well as having the self-awareness to know that the feelings of doubt and fear are also normal and part of the process. Acknowledge them - and then tell them to "shut up" as you push forward. "Silenzio Bruno!

Vacation Exercise 

While in the Dominican Republic, we got up early each day to exercise at the hotel gym. It felt good to make that a priority and set the right tone for the day ahead. Drinking, eating, and lounging didn't feel "so bad" after putting the work in. And it gave us energy to do more fun activities throughout the day. It was nice to do it together with Rob - something we rarely do at home since we need to "take turns" in order to cover other responsibilities like the kids and house stuff, while the other person works out.

Have you ever thought "man this treadmill must be broken!". I always think that when I run indoors at home because I'm SO much slower on the treadmill. But the opposite happened on this trip! Because it was all short runs, and I was coming off so much distance running the last few weeks, I was much faster than my "outdoor pace". I felt good, bouncy, and it was easy to hustle through it...or maybe that treadmill was broken too :-)

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