Monday, June 10, 2019

Unexpected Setbacks

33 weeks
A race can go exactly as expected, sometimes better, and sometimes you stumble upon an obstacle in the road. Some obstacles are predictable and foreseen while you're training. But the unexpected ones can really mess with your head and plans. 

My April (second trimester) race was great! Besides the heavy rain and slippery ground in Central Park...I was exactly on pace at 11 minutes, finishing the 4 miles at 44:37. My May (third trimester) race was even better. With the nicer weather and shorter distance, I was able to pickup the pace closer to 10 minutes, finishing the 5k at 31:21 (only a minute shy of my previous non-pregnant time last year). 

Since then I've been keeping busy with work travel and layering in a mix of hotel gym workouts, some light running, and CrossFit when I'm home in Boston. I *had* planned on another race in mid-June...but that is no longer a possibility. We were hiking at the Delaware River Gap in late May and I twisted my ankle by stepping funny. It wasn't even a difficult part of the hike, it was the flat part. Then I twisted it another two times on the descent down as it was already weakened. Luckily no fracture or break, but a bad sprain. 

Disappointment doesn't begin to express how I feel about this setback. The doctor says at least 4-6 weeks "off". No running for sure. And other activities are proving difficult because of the now double modifications needed (pregnant + sprained ankle). These last three weeks I've only worked-out a handful of times (I tried swimming and some scaled workouts with a stationary biking). I already feel the amplified pregnancy symptoms (weight gain, lack of mobility, back pain). And mental health being the biggest issue coming off such a high of accomplishments, to not feeling anything like myself as my body continues to grow and grow.

Moving past the pity party...I'm trying to set new expectations. I was told I'll be tempted to run as the ankle feels better but should resist as chance of re-injury is high, especially with looser joints from pregnancy. 

One highlight during this "dark" period was doing the CF Murph workout on Memorial Day at a local Box (not my Box!) I was able to modify enough to make it work for both of my "disabilities" and had a blast working out in a large group again. 

April 20 - Central Park NYC - 4 miler
May 4 - Long Island NY - 5k

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