Monday, February 6, 2017


Confession. I'm still wearing maternity pants. And I'm not sure when I'll stop. All I know is my old pants don't fit me (and it's not a matter of buying the next size up, it's a matter of shape). My hips seem to have widened. Those pants may never fit me again.

Not to worry though! They are super comfy.

Finding the time to work-out has been really hard. I'm physically and mentally exhausted from being a new mom (judgy moms insert "I told you so" comment here). I often have to choose between a valuable hour of sleep, getting my work done, vital chores, or taking care of my daughter...all which come before exercise (though lifting my daughter should count for something...she's getting heavy!)

Confession. I failed.

When I first got back to fitness postpartum, I thought my goal was quantity. Do as much as possible. Everyday. Got to lose that weight. Numbers, numbers.

I couldn't do it. And that's OK.

My new strategy is consistency and frankly, NO goals. I'm trying to exercise about three times a week. And letting myself have off days...because well life gets hard. I just want to feel strong and happy again. The exercise high.

Confession. I have no idea what I'm doing.

While down to my pre-pregnancy weight, I have extra rolls and wider hips. So I'm going to focus on my strength building (or rebuilding). That's what's going to get me through the next few months in this shell of a body I used to know.

So what have I been up to since the holidays have come and gone? Mostly CrossFit, dance, and the occasional run. You won't find me at the gym doing any sort of mundane routine.

I PR'ed  my deadlift at 130lbs. One of the goals I had set when starting this blog was 150lbs. Almost there.

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