Well the cat is out the bag now. I haven't posted in awhile to avoid spilling the beans! So much in my fitness world has changed these past 3 months, that it was difficult not to write about it.
I'm expecting a baby (not in the mail, in my tummy). I was not convinced it was true, but the ultrasound proved that it was in fact not too many burritos (as my husband suspected). Nor is it a puppy - sorry Rob.
I just hit 3 months / 12 weeks. Nearly done with the first trimester (not sure how this math works exactly....40 weeks / 3 trimesters = 13.3 weeks). I give up on trying to figure it out! All I know is a baby is arriving around the last week of July, maybe August if it decides to cook a bit longer.
The first people to know I was pregnant were my CrossFit coaches, weeks before family and friends. It was a super awkward conversation for me, but necessary. They worked with me to immediately start scaling movements, intensity, and load. Basically I have to be able to talk during the WOD (not be completely out of breath), nothing that would hyper extend my abdomen area, nothing that is ab focused like sit-ups, and lastly nothing where I can fall (like box jumps). I've also added no jump rope to the list at this point because it's extremely uncomfortable.
For weights I've scaled down to what still feels hard to me now. For example if I was lifting 100 lbs before, I'm doing 50 lbs now. Interestingly enough, this is still incredibly difficult as my body's "max" has adjusted naturally.
Next I applied the same rules to Dance, although less of them apply. Dance is great while pregnant! Even if you look silly (especially the sexy moves......no sexy here).
Now what I can and cannot do on paper means NOTHING if how I feel does not align. OMG ladies....I do not recommend this pregnancy nonsense. I know that sounds horrible, but let me vent please before you crucify me.
Shortly after finding out, I traveled to San Francisco for business and had a great workout week. I was running great distances. Even through Thanksgiving I was killing it on the runs. Then week 6-7 hit. Like a wave all at once - constant nausea, acid reflex, throwing up, dizzy, achy, headaches, food cravings, food aversion. Then about week 9, the growth started. Boobs and tummy started to grow and I put some weight on.
That has been pretty much been my life up until this point. I'm barely a functioning adult. Supposedly, it gets better soon and then I start to "glow". Like a tan? That would be nice.
I haven't run since early December - just can't swallow it. Maybe in the second trimester I can give it a shot.
My plan for pregnancy fitness is to stay as active as possible within healthy limits. Trying to exercise daily for an hour. No more record breaking and trying new things for the next 6 months (unless eating competitions count). Apparently it's really good for me and the baby to not veg out, even though I want to. Common sense. It will also help me keep my weight in check as I continue to grow.
I can see myself running miles with a stroller in a few months....